The Book
Original Buchla 100 films and schematics from the archives
I’m asked—quite often—for information, photographs, and access to the archive's collection of historical materials by academics, publications, as well as other Buchla enthusiasts. Sadly, though, there are only so many hours in the day, and I can only do so much.
One day, years ago, it occurred to me that rather than distribute this content one piece at a time over the net, a well-considered and properly presented encyclopedia Buchlatannica would be worth devoting some time to (as it turns out, “some time” meant my entire life). This decision has led to occasional accusations of me being a “gatekeeper,” “info hoarder,” and other inspiring handles. Although I can see the logic behind these labels, I assure you that isn’t my intent. I've spent years planning the best, most complete way for everyone to experience and enjoy these materials—in the highest quality possible, and in a way that Don and his family would approve of.
Now in 2024, after several false starts and dozens of ideas about how to execute such a task, things have really started to pick up on this front. We’re making constant strides forward, and I am hopeful to have something ready to publish before too long. For now, I appreciate the all of your help and patience while my partners and I figure this out.
I promise you this: it will be worth the wait.