The What?
It's recently come to my attention that the project that I’ve spent half of my life on has basically no presence beyond a few grey bearded old synth dudes and the more plucky of young enthusiasts. I guess I’ve been so focused on restorations, research, and documentation that I’ve had little to no time or energy to spend on self-promotion or keeping the website/Instagram up to date.
It’s now 2024, and my New Year's resolution to address this deficiency, and perhaps entertain, or (with luck) inspire people who are new to the work of the artist/designer Donald “Don” Buchla.
Poke around the site; hopefully there is enough information uploaded to answer any immediate questions. My goal is to devote a few hours a week and add content to this blog as well the collections page as long as people (meaning me) are into it.
Thank you for your support and see you in 2024.
I didn’t feel a thing.. tho i needed a shot.